
The AMB faculty-postdoc mentoring program aims at supporting young scientists in their career planning with a mentor complementing their supervisor. The focus is not on science, but on career advancement. The program is run by AMB, the scientific staff association in DBIOL at the ETH Zürich and supported by the department.

Postdocs and faculty mentors participate in the program on a voluntary basis. AMB will match 2-5 postdocs to one faculty mentor (not from the same institute) based on a confidential questionnaire in which the postdocs can express their interests and needs. Mentoring groups should meet as often as they decide and together discuss about topics they agreed upon based on their needs and interests. We will suggest potential points for discussion and we will provide an individual development plan that each participant can fill in and use to self-reflect prior to the first meeting.

The frequency and duration of the meetings will be arranged with the faculty mentor in each case. A designated postdoc (hereinafter referred as the group coordinator) in each group will be selected to be in charge of scheduling the meetings according to the faculty schedule and of setting up the agenda. Every member of the group is expected to participate in the meetings on a regular basis.

Scientific discussions are not the scope of the meetings. The mentors are not meant to substitute the academic advisor, but they are a complement of the mentees training.

Content of the mentoring meetings must be absolutely confidential and ideally the mentoring group can become a space for sharing sensitive and personal issues. All the participants need to adhere to the meeting schedule and guidelines.


Roles and responsibilitiesBenefits
  • Drive the relationship

  • Ensure that the meetings are timely

  • Participate constructively in every meeting

  • Opportunity to learn from different perspectives

  • Discussing/receiving feedback in a safe environment

  • Receiving advice, support, motivation, coaching and direction from mentor and postdoc peers

  • Define career goals and enhance the strategy to achieve them

  • Expansion of professional network

  • Mentors

    Roles and responsibilitiesBenefits
  • Helps the mentees define career goals

  • Offers advice, support, motivation, coaching, and direction to achieve career goals

  • Is a positive role model

  • Is available outside of the meetings, should the necessity arise
  • Practicing leadership in a different context

  • Sharing experience and knowledge

  • Being a role model to future leaders in academia and industry

  • Connect to the junior ETH scientific community

  • Practicing feedback


    We are accepting new registrations for new session of mentoring program 2023/24.

    If you would like to sign up, please register until 15th August 2023.

    About the Program:

    The faculty to PostDoc mentoring program is an initiative of AMB, the scientific staff association at D-BIOL. Support us by signing up for our parent organization, AVETH!


    Dr. Mayank Sharma